A gorgeous new classic is headed to Nintendo's wildly popular Switch take a look at 'Firewatch'

Yet another gorgeous, delightful, charming game is headed to Nintendo's wildly popular Switch console. This is "Firewatch," an excellent first-person adventure/exploration game that is headed to the Nintendo Switch "soon":


Yet another gorgeous, delightful, charming game is headed to Nintendo's wildly popular Switch console.

This is "Firewatch," an excellent first-person adventure/exploration game that is headed to the Nintendo Switch "soon":

It's gorgeous and mysterious and set in the late 1980s!

But what is it? Let's find out!

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In "Firewatch," you play as a man named Henry.

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It's a first-person exploration game — you'll get loads of story from the environment itself.

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The whole game takes place in the gorgeous Shoshone National Forest (which is <a href="https://en.wikipedia.org/wiki/Shoshone_National_Forest">a real place</a>, in case you were wondering).

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The game's title is also the game's point — your job is to watch out for forest fires and to quickly report them.

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And to enjoy gorgeous sunsets, apparently.

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Much of "Firewatch" is about working with your supervisor, Delilah.

Not pictured: Delilah. Campo Santo

The choices you make in responding to Delilah directly affect your relationship with her.

Your communications with Delilah are entirely over the radio, thus the lack of images of her here. Campo Santo

What makes "Firewatch" stand out is both its unique, beautiful art ...

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... and its focus on storytelling.

Here's the walkie-talkie Henry uses to communicate with Delilah. Campo Santo

The Shoshone National Forest is represented especially well in "Firewatch."

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The game is set in 1989, just one year after the (real-life) Yellowstone National Park fire.

This is Delilah's tower — will you ever meet face-to-face? Campo Santo

Which is to say: Tensions are running high in this particular line of work.

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Adding to that, a mysterious stranger is repeatedly found to be watching you from afar. What's that about?

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Did he or she loosen this ladder that Henry is falling from? Oh no!

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Beyond watching for fires and talking to your boss, there are other missions to take on. Like rescuing this little turtle!

Maybe he'll be your friend! Campo Santo

But much of the game is just about exploring the great wide open of Wyoming.

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And navigation, of course. There's no user interface around the edges of the screen, just a compass in your right hand and a map in your left. How 1989!

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It's not all sweeping vistas and camping areas, don't worry!

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Check out this trailer for "Firewatch" — it's a beaut! The game is out now on PlayStation 4, Xbox One, PC, and Mac for $20, and it's coming to the Nintendo Switch "soon."

